An example of what provokes moral outrage and my thoughts on that — ABN

The adult stole $8 from the boy. In the comments where I found this video, people are outraged. One example of their ire: What a pathetic piece of fucking shit. Fuck that asshole and hope he rots in a cell. You have to be just absolute fucking scum to steal from a kid. Who can argue with this judgement? I want you to feel it because what I am going to say now is something much worse than that petty theft has been happening in the West for many decades.

We have been suffering a secret war against children; a war that disables our most promising children to keep them from gaining the leadership roles they would have gained had they not been disabled.

The disabling happens by poison, psychosurgery, sensory damage, maiming. Softer versions are educational misdirection, psychological abuse, stalking, reputation destruction and so on. There is no action too low for the parasites who did this and are still doing it today.

This form of warfare is almost invisible to most people because the victims, mostly boys and young men, are attacked secretly and their wounds typically do not show. For example, a mildly intelligent goon can be trained to drug a victim and give them a lobotomy in very short time frame.

Damage to the ears, energy weapons to the brain, poison to the nervous system–pay close attention to anyone who goes off the deep end. What looks like a mental breakdown or drug abuse may have had its roots in a very real physical attack that has caused serious harm, an attack that may have happened to an eight year old, a teenager, a young adult.

This is how our civilization has been taken over. It’s not been the only tactic, but it is the most important enemy tactic that is usually left out of analyses of the downfall of the West.

Please spend some serious time thinking about what I have said. Consider the rewards of conquering the West — the vast wealth and power, leading ultimately to world domination.

No one would be able to conquer the West through conventional warfare. But a clever group who could train and direct a small army of assassins and deploy them over several generations could conquer the West.

Indeed, they already have. Who does not wonder who is actually in control of the Biden administration? ANSWER: Our conquerors are in control of the Biden administration. The faces we see are their generals, their public fighters, and our toadies. The real power is held by the cryptocrats who control them.

Please give this some real thought. Once you see it, it will be obvious what has happened. Our only hope of surviving as a civilization is for a large number of us to understand our real plight. We will not be saved by a return to Christian values or renewed respect for the American Constitution. We have already been all but defeated by a multigenerational war of infiltration and clandestine interpersonal violence as described.

All the other stuff you already know about how our institutions, economies, and governments have been taken over is true. But so is the violence. It was and is real. By smiting our children they defeated the West. ABN

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