Why Do Brits Hate Russians? — Israel Shamir

Britain is the world leader in anti-Russian politics. The Brits hate Putin and zealously encourage the Ukies to fight their Russian cousins to the last drop of blood. The Russians and the Ukies were ready to sign a deal in February 2022, until British PM Johnson arrived in Kiev to convince the Ukies to drop it. And so they did. Ever since then, the Brits have been the leading force pushing the Ukies to fight, and convincing NATO members to help them fight. The Brits are leading the global anti-Russian campaign. These are the facts. However, the explanation of these facts evaded me until now.

Recently a promising young reporter called Dood (or maybe Doodj), spoke to a leader of the Russian pro-Western opposition, the runaway ex-oligarch Michael Chodorkovsky [Mikhail Khodorkovsky]. Mr Ch has been relegated to the shadows and margins of history, though once upon a time he was the richest tycoon in Russia, and one of the wealthiest men in the world. Now he is worth just below one billion dollars, peanuts as oligarchs count.

He was one of the Dirty Seven [semiboyarshina] oligarchs who seized control of Russia during Yeltsin’s feeble rule. They all were more or less Jewish, and their solidarity and destructiveness could only compete with their ruthlessness and greed. Many of my friends consider Zionists to be apex predators, while Jews are cute and furry prey. They are mistaken – these seven Russian oligarchs were not Zionists, they were just Jews out to destroy everything in their way. These seven men practically destroyed millennium-old Russia. They pauperised its people, reduced its industry to ashes, they sold the factories for scrap; they stole all private bank holdings. They even ruined Russian democracy when they shelled Parliament in 1993 using Yeltsin’s tanks, and then, with the assistance of American advisors, by faking the re-election of President Yeltsin in 1996.

Like locusts attacking a tree, each Jewish oligarch took over a different branch: Mr Berezovsky went after the auto industry, and Russia stopped producing cars; Mr Gusinsky seized television, and turned it into offensive propaganda; Mr Chubais managed the world’s largest transfer of wealth since 1917. Mr Chodorkovsky took over all of Russia’s oil and gas. Everywhere they stole all they could steal, built yachts and palaces, mocking ordinary Russians by their conspicuous consumption. Their official rule ended sometime after 2005 when Mr Berezovsky convinced Yeltsin to pass his reign over to young Mr Putin, and then Mr Putin told the oligarchs to stay away from the state or else. Mr Ch laughed and said he will get rid of Putin. Putin put him into jail and nationalised the oligarch’s mammoth Lukoil oil company. Ten years later, Mr Ch was allowed to leave and so he did. Russian oil is still in the hands of the Russian state, and it still remains the basis of Russian prosperity.

Now, in a recent interview, Mr Ch revealed to a young reporter that the real owner of Lukoil was the late Lord Rothschild, who just (Feb 24) passed away at the ripe old age of 89. It was quite a surprise, to find out that the old Jew was still quick enough to pocket all of Russia’s oil as he was kicking out the godless communists. We Russians actually did hear such a rumour as it was happening, but we did not take it seriously at the time. Blaming “Rothschild” is like blaming “Lizard People”; an antisemitic trope. There is no such person in real life, I thought. But after the publication of Doodj’s video, I looked back in the Times archives and found that it was not a fiction:

So it was known even then, but I (and others) could not believe it at the time. Even now, we tend to discount antisemitic facts along with the antisemitic tropes that flood the Internet.

But this is the key to why the Brits are so keen to undermine Russia. Lord Rothschild is as British as 5 o’clock tea. The Brits can have an Indian PM, a Paki Lord Mayor of London, and Ghurkhas as their elite troops, but the Bank of England belongs to the Jews. Englishmen are just miners to keep Lord Rothschild’s global bank running tickety-boo. And Jews are famous for keeping control of whatever has passed through their clutches. Even the Royal Family became quasi-Jewish: they circumcise their boys and believe they are descendants of King David.


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