Long article with a section on Jeffrey Sachs

…it was American Economist and Columbia University Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs’ appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show that revealed the underbelly of their agenda while setting the stage for the destruction of America. For those who believe it was anything but trickery, they are not familiar with Jeffrey Sachs. Few people are as connected as Jeffrey Sachs, or as involved as he has been in agendas against humanity. From his Harvard leadership in the rape of Russia to the creation of the Global Fund which has full immunity, and Sachs himself called for $10 billion a year just ten days before the first alleged Covid case hit the U.S., he spearheaded the bogus Harvard Consensus Statement on antiretroviral treatment for AIDS, his coziness with Pope Francis, his decades-long relationship with the UN and belief of “human-induced climate change,” are pretty good indicators of where Sachs is coming from. Just take a look at an older Columbia University archive of his 40-page resume of accomplishments to glean how long Jeffrey Sachs has been in this game. He’s no dummy, nor is he naive, as he pretended to be in this interview.

Jeffrey Sachs spent an hour and forty-five minutes mystifying people with digs at universities, government, war, Victoria Nuland, and the Clintons, while simultaneously suggesting nuclear war is on the horizon, and that he was speaking out about all of this because of his concern for his children’s futures. This, coming from a man who has plotted with the best to bring America to its knees. Yet, people bought into it because he hit on the key words that resonated with everyone’s frustrations and anger. Sachs is a very useful tool. Let’s break it down:

• Nothing Sachs said is new information. This wasn’t a disclosure of any kind.

Sachs has been all over alt news for some time now. I have been suspicious from Day 1, and believe I have not posted any of his appearances. This is just a segment from a longer article (which I will post as a separate link as well): University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America. Alex Mercouris, Judge Napolitano, Tucker Carlson and more take note. We are living smack-dad in the midst of a mind-control carnival psyop. They’re all perps on some level. ABN

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