USDA and China CCP lab are creating deadly BIRD FLU viruses as part of $1m collaboration – and YOU are paying for it

Lawmakers are demanding answers after it was revealed the US is sending taxpayer dollars to a Chinese army lab to make bird flu viruses more dangerous to people.

It is part of a $1million collaboration between the USDA and the CCP-run Chinese Academy of Sciences – the institution that oversees the Wuhan lab at the center of the Covid lab-leak theory.

In a scathing letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack last week, the bipartisan group said: ‘This research, funded by American taxpayers, could potentially generate dangerous new lab-created virus strains that threaten our national security and public health.


This looks like mind-control preprogramming, prepping us for the next plandemic. Stuff like this is like another arrow in their quiver. It will be used when and if helpful to the mind-controllers, a branch of the comitatus that controls the West. WW3 is also being preprogrammed, as is economic collapse, cyberwar, aliens, climate disaster, etc. You might think it foolish for them to use yet another plandemic; after all, monkeypox failed. Yes and no. It is also true that absurdity is used to their advantage. Notice how much of our world today is absurd. The more of it we accept at face value, the less able we are to reason clearly about other things. That is a very effective form of mind-control. ABN

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