Debt Slavery and the Carbon Credit Coup | Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin

UPDATE: Major Black Pill. I already am black-pilled and believe all we can do is maybe sometimes achieve anarchic resistance to excessive authoritarianism. Basically, kings & queens are back or never left. A friend explained that Webb and many of the people she speaks with online are anti-statist, against nation states, libertarian, anarchic. I don’t know enough about Webb and her circle to say, nor do I know if my friend is right. But it does seem that something like that is so.

I appreciate Webb and Goodwin’s detailed breakdown and analysis of who is doing what, how and why. It’s definitely worth listening to.

To readers who are royalists or want to return to traditional empires, that’s where we are now. We are inside an empire right now and it is growing, going for world domination. I for one do not see any way we can change the composition of world or regional power elites. Those people have wealth and connections that no mass of people can ever muster. Elections are clearly rigged, like everything else. Going off grid or putting your money in a local bank or gold appear to be futile. I plan to have fun and recognize all of the above proves the First Noble Truth, which is good if that’s what you perceive in all this. ABN

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