This is what I would do if I were vaccinated against Covid — Geert Vanden Bossche

Given the severity of my predictions, I’m often asked what steps I would take if I were vaccinated against Covid-19 (C-19).  Well, here’s what I would do: I’d ensure I promptly acquire enough ivermectin to last for about three months. As soon as any heavily C-19 vaccinated country experiences a significant surge in cases of enhanced severe C-19 disease, I’d promptly begin taking ivermectin at a relatively high dose, i.e., 0.5-0.6 mg/kg, once daily. Additionally, I’d make sure to get myself re-vaccinated with a live attenuated measles vaccine (if combined with other live attenuated viruses like mumps and rubella, that would be acceptable too). Drawing from my past research on Natural Killer (NK) cell vaccines, I believe there’s a theoretical possibility that cell-based innate immune training gained from exposure to measles could offer C-19 vaccinees at least some first-line protection against coronaviruses (while C-19 vaccinees are unlikely to mount any meaningful immune response against live attenuated coronaviruses at this ‘chronic’ stage of the pandemic!). While innate immune imprinting can last for a while, ideally, I’d prefer to receive the measles vaccine closer to the onset of the anticipated hyperacute phase of the pandemic. Of course, one might consider self-isolation, but given the airborne transmission and high inherent infectiousness of the new coronavirus I expect to emerge soon, this may not be very effective. The prophylactic use of ivermectin combined with the measles vaccine is, of course, not a medical recommendation but merely a consideration that every C-19 vaccinated individual might want to ponder, particularly since both interventions have well-documented safety profiles. However, before using ivermectin, it’s essential to verify that it won’t have any adverse interactions with other medications one may be taking. On the other hand, vaccination against measles should be avoided in individuals who are ill, pregnant, or have a compromised innate immune system (note: ‘untrained’ does not imply weakened!).

Here is the link with further information on the potential prophylactic use of ivermectin in the event of the emergence of a highly virulent coronavirus:


I no longer believe there was a real pandemic because I accept the data which shows covid disease spikes were never natural but the result of government policies, fake PCR tests, fake hospital diagnoses, mandated hospital protocols, and possibly localized biowarfare attacks. That said, I do not believe Vanden Bossche is a mind-control agent consciously spreading lies to cause panic, as some claim. Thus, I have posted the above and if I were vaxxed, I would consider what he is saying. He is one of the few alternate covid scientists who has personally witnessed vax failures and the effects they had on herds of animals. ABN

2 thoughts on “This is what I would do if I were vaccinated against Covid — Geert Vanden Bossche

  1. I appreciate your this post. However, now that Vanden Bossche is recommending that covid vaxxed get a live attenuated measles vaxx, he’s lost all credibility for me. There is far too much research and data that concludes ALL vaccines are poison. 

    1. you make a good point. VB gave a decent reason for his position and I have posted his stuff fairly often, so I posted this. he remains convinced there will be a pandemic of the vaxxed. me, not so much but I like to follow up with some people and he is one of them

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