Does USA have a super-weapon or are they bluffing?

I have been saying for a long time that our top elite/ comitatus possess a super-weapon because that is the most likely explanation for their reckless foreign (and domestic) policies. What Forbes says below about ‘doomsday weapons’ and ‘absolute supremacy over the planet’ is plausible, in my view, though I do not agree that the elite is afraid they will lose power due to that technology. Who is going to disclose something so complex and how would they do it?

I enjoy Forbes’ work on MH370, but there is no way any of it will force disclosure of anything important. In one of his videos, Forbes shows an image made public by China. The image seems to indicate that China knows what Forbes is saying is right; that that’s what happened to the plane. The question arises, is our comitatus bluffing about their super-weapon? Are they intentionally frightening Russia and China with a bogus story that may cause them to be more restrained? That would be a kind of mind-control, which USA is a master at. I suppose Forbes may be in on the bluff and that’s why he rose to fame so quickly. I do like they guy, though, and hope he is as he presents himself. ABN

2 thoughts on “Does USA have a super-weapon or are they bluffing?

  1. This resonates with me. I’ve been feeling this for a while now especially the fact the US elites (Blinken, Lindsey Graham, others) seem to go around literally doing everything they can to provoke a misstep by Russia/China so that it seems to me they can respond with a “demo” – they are itching to do this. I posted re:this a few times. I am convinced about this inevitability.

    1. I agree. a common explanation for the apparent recklessness of our elitists is they are incompetent, but they have seized control of the entire West, so it seems much more likely they have a super weapon and are deliberately provoking Russia and China. their goal is total domination of the planet. Russia and China are chess pieces that must be taken on the way

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