Why Congress Never Challenges the Intelligence Community

There is a rather remarkable indictment against congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas, CD-28) that everyone should read.  You might remember that Cuellar was openly critical of the Biden border crisis in the latter half of 2021.  Approximately a few weeks after Cuellar was openly and strongly criticizing Biden, FBI agents raided his home {BACKSTORY}.

At the time of the FBI raid (January 2022), everyone noted the visible connection between Cuellar’s criticism of Biden and the launch of the DOJ investigation against him.  The timing was just too convenient.

Last Friday an indictment was unsealed.  Representative Cuellar and his wife are each charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery of a federal official and to have a public official act as an agent of a foreign principal, two counts of bribery of a federal official, two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, two counts of violating the ban on public officials acting as agents of a foreign principal, one count of conspiracy to commit concealment money laundering, and five counts of money laundering.

Interestingly, the charges and the activity date back to 2014 and continue over the next ten years culminating in the indictment a decade later.

I would strongly urge people to read THE 54-PAGE INDICTMENT.

What you realize when you read the indictment is exactly what we have talked about on these pages for well over a decade, the business end of American politics.  Cuellar and his wife are a case study in how the average federal politician gets wealthy from selling their office.

All of the DC politicians participate in this type of influence selling.  There are ZERO federal elected officials who do not participate in this process.  And within that dynamic, we find the answer to how the Intelligence Community exists to control all of the DC political systems without any checks in their authority.

One of the primary reasons the Intelligence Community was so fast to join the effort to eliminate the threat Donald Trump, represented in 2016, was specifically due to the lack of corrupt activity (IC blackmail) that could be leveraged against him.  Absent the ability to control the target, the IC must create leverage.


UPDATE: This episode is an illuminating glimpse into how the comitatus that controls USA operates. Be disloyal and get shafted if not suicided. Obviously, there exists no power structure strong enough to control or defy the comitatus. Who is in the comitatus? We don’t even know. We can guess and we can glimpse a little, but that’s all. We also know they are very good at mind-control. So most people are not even aware we are being ruled over by a secret group. I can’t think of anything that can stop them. ABN

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