German mind-controllers demand prison for singers

Very important to understand that this song is 100% predictable and natural. No human group will allow itself to be annihilated without a response. The sooner and softer the response, and singing this song is soft, the less violent the response will be. It is also, very important to understand that public sentiments and actions like these are the only real politics Germany/ Europe/ the West have left. Our entire civilization has been taken over and is ruled by people who hate us and are bent on destroying us. What has happened to Ukraine which is entirely led by non-Ukrainians? Well over 500,000 military killed, one-half of the population driven away. Eurocucks calling for more weapons and war in Ukraine are paving the way for the demise of all of Europe. Eurocucks calling for the imprisonment of people singing this song are doing the same. Public sentiment, noncompliance, unity of purpose is all we have left. ABN

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