Elitists of the West have everything to lose if Trump prevails and nothing to gain…

I like Eva’s sentiment but am not so sure myself. The usurpers who control the West—the ones we know about—have everything to lose if Trump prevails and nothing to gain. This leads to two likely continuations of this story depending on what the real conditions are: 1) the real usurpers who control the West are entirely secret and will benefit no matter how many of their front men are taken down by Trump; or 2) they will find another way to stop Trump. A third possibility is Trump himself is one of the secret usurpers openly playing a public role. I believe the probability of his role being only this is very low as that would mean he is completely fake, but surely even he is compromised to some extent; that’s politics after all. The question here is how much is he bluffing the usurpers? How much is he bluffing us? Despite his deficits (vaxxes, Gaza), which are serious, I am a pragmatist and still strongly support him. There is no better option and it’s not even close. One more point–I do not like saying this, but if Trump is not at least 85% compromised, the usurpers will try to kill him. He surely knows this and surely knows how to protect himself, but this is a real possibility, I fear. ABN

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