Hegemon Orders Europe: Bet on War and Steal Russia’s Money

The Swiss “peace” kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn’t even have to show up.

None of the Big Players did. Or in case they sent their emissaries, there was significant refusal to sign the vacuous final declaration – as in BRICS members Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE and South Africa.

Without BRICS, there’s absolutely nothing the collective West – as in The Hegemon and assorted vassals – can do to alter the proxy war chessboard in Ukraine.

In his carefully calibrated speech to diplomats and the leadership of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Putin delineated an incredibly restrained and strategic approach to solve the Ukraine problem. In the context of the Hegemon’s escalatory green light – actually in practice for several months now – for Kiev to attack deeper into the Russian Federation, Putin’s offer was extremely generous.

That is a direct offer to the Hegemon and the collective West – as the sweaty T-shirt actor in Kiev, apart from illegitimate, is beyond irrelevant.

Predictably, NATO – via that epileptic slab of Norwegian wood – already proclaimed its refusal to negotiate, even as some relatively awake members of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) started discussing the offer, according to Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Moscow sees the Verkhovna Rada as the only legitimate entity in Ukraine – and the only one with which would be possible to reach an agreement.

Russian UN representative Vasily Nebenzya cut to the chase – diplomatically: if the generous proposal is refused, next time conditions for starting negotiations will be “different”. And “far more unfavorable”, according to Duma Defense Committee head Andrei Kartapolov.

As Nebenzya stressed that in case of a refusal the collective West will bear full responsibility for further bloodshed, Kartapolov elaborated on the Big Picture: Russia’s real target is to create a whole new security system for the Eurasian space.

And that, of course, is anathema to the Hegemon’s elites.


Call them what you like—hegemon, globalists, cabal, comitatus—the cryptocrats who thoroughly dominate the West and are known to be its real power are always shrouded in euphemism, personally nameless, historically opaque, collectively hidden behind hate speech conventions, and even more pathetically, laws. Their secrecy is proof the West has already been conquered and is living in debasement. Though the above essay relies on the illogical ‘incompetence’ excuse, it is still a good read. Our hegemons are not ‘incompetent’. They are treating the West like a cheap whore, which all of our public figures and institutions are or have become. ABN

Elitists of the West have everything to lose if Trump prevails and nothing to gain…

I like Eva’s sentiment but am not so sure myself. The usurpers who control the West—the ones we know about—have everything to lose if Trump prevails and nothing to gain. This leads to two likely continuations of this story depending on what the real conditions are: 1) the real usurpers who control the West are entirely secret and will benefit no matter how many of their front men are taken down by Trump; or 2) they will find another way to stop Trump. A third possibility is Trump himself is one of the secret usurpers openly playing a public role. I believe the probability of his role being only this is very low as that would mean he is completely fake, but surely even he is compromised to some extent; that’s politics after all. The question here is how much is he bluffing the usurpers? How much is he bluffing us? Despite his deficits (vaxxes, Gaza), which are serious, I am a pragmatist and still strongly support him. There is no better option and it’s not even close. One more point–I do not like saying this, but if Trump is not at least 85% compromised, the usurpers will try to kill him. He surely knows this and surely knows how to protect himself, but this is a real possibility, I fear. ABN

‘Today’s rulers of Ukraine do not feel sorry for these people, they do not consider them theirs’ — Vladimir Putin

Same problem in USA and Europe, throughout the West. Ruled by people who hate us. ABN

Russia’s final warning to Macron and Cameron

UPDATE: This video is well worth watching. Without saying as much, they detail cabal/comitatus moves at the top where the only rules are KOBK rules—Kill-Or-Be-Killed.

Top leaders in USA have nothing else in mind long-term but world domination. Russian and Chinese leaders both know this full-well and have no choice but to respond accordingly.

While China surely has long-term strategies for world domination itself, it is not today strong enough to pursue them boldly and thus must stay off center stage. Russia, rightly, sees an escalation of Western threats against it and has acted accordingly by threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine if certain lines are crossed.

These events cannot be understood without understanding that all three parties—Russia, China, and USA—are playing by KOBK rules, the only rules possible for them. All three are ruled by tight gangs led by strong leaders.

The gang or comitatus in control of USA is almost entirely secret and thus, a true cryptocracy. We do not know who is in control or where the center even is. When it comes to KOBK conflicts, none of what top leaders do has anything to do with their citizens’ well-being, except to avoid riling them too much.

It is important to understand what KOBK means and why it is a useful term: KOBK describes the forced ‘morality’ of top international combatants who today rule USA & the West, Russia, and China. World history at many stages and places has operated on KOBK rules. KOBK is nothing new but is distinct from all other political philosophizing, let alone moralizing. Kill-Or-Be-Killed situations are stark and morally unambiguous.

Top leaders cannot but fight by KOBK rules and nothing in the world today will change that. New technology or a much smarter global population through digital breeding may change everything but that is not going to happen in the immediate future. Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Taiwan and more are all KOBK flashpoints. Conflicts entailing them must be understood as strategic moves toward global domination or to prevent rivals gaining it. ABN

UPDATE 2: Their whole discussion toward the end of the video on strategic ambiguity and national politics suffers from their not being aware of or not having the terminology to discuss these events in KOBK terms. See the situation for what it is: USA has boldly begun war in Ukraine and boldly expanded war in Israel/Gaza. These are KOBK moves strategically aimed at world domination, probably through controlling the Middle East by neutering Iran and further threatening Russia. ABN

UPDATE 3: The Western comitatus ostensibly led by USA is not being ‘stupid’ or ‘imbecilic’ as Mercouris says. They are doing KOBK with the goal of world domination. That goal entails complete and total subjugation of Russia, ‘killing’ it as it were. Russia absolutely knows this and is responding in kind—‘if you try to kill us we will kill you’. None of this is fundamentally about messy diplomatic wording or what a puppet like Macron says. These are not trial balloons or strategic mistakes. It’s pure KOBK. USA provoked the war and they are not going to back down. Each move brings them closer to subjugating Russia, then China. ABN

Why Congress Never Challenges the Intelligence Community

There is a rather remarkable indictment against congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas, CD-28) that everyone should read.  You might remember that Cuellar was openly critical of the Biden border crisis in the latter half of 2021.  Approximately a few weeks after Cuellar was openly and strongly criticizing Biden, FBI agents raided his home {BACKSTORY}.

At the time of the FBI raid (January 2022), everyone noted the visible connection between Cuellar’s criticism of Biden and the launch of the DOJ investigation against him.  The timing was just too convenient.

Last Friday an indictment was unsealed.  Representative Cuellar and his wife are each charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery of a federal official and to have a public official act as an agent of a foreign principal, two counts of bribery of a federal official, two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, two counts of violating the ban on public officials acting as agents of a foreign principal, one count of conspiracy to commit concealment money laundering, and five counts of money laundering.

Interestingly, the charges and the activity date back to 2014 and continue over the next ten years culminating in the indictment a decade later.

I would strongly urge people to read THE 54-PAGE INDICTMENT.

What you realize when you read the indictment is exactly what we have talked about on these pages for well over a decade, the business end of American politics.  Cuellar and his wife are a case study in how the average federal politician gets wealthy from selling their office.

All of the DC politicians participate in this type of influence selling.  There are ZERO federal elected officials who do not participate in this process.  And within that dynamic, we find the answer to how the Intelligence Community exists to control all of the DC political systems without any checks in their authority.

One of the primary reasons the Intelligence Community was so fast to join the effort to eliminate the threat Donald Trump, represented in 2016, was specifically due to the lack of corrupt activity (IC blackmail) that could be leveraged against him.  Absent the ability to control the target, the IC must create leverage.


UPDATE: This episode is an illuminating glimpse into how the comitatus that controls USA operates. Be disloyal and get shafted if not suicided. Obviously, there exists no power structure strong enough to control or defy the comitatus. Who is in the comitatus? We don’t even know. We can guess and we can glimpse a little, but that’s all. We also know they are very good at mind-control. So most people are not even aware we are being ruled over by a secret group. I can’t think of anything that can stop them. ABN

Russia issues military ultimatum to UK

Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons

Moscow will retaliate against British targets in Ukraine or elsewhere if Kiev uses UK-provided missiles to strike Russian territory, the Foreign Ministry told London’s ambassador on Monday.

Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the ministry following remarks by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the UK to strike deep inside Russia.


The Western cabal/ cryptocracy wants to do to Russia what it did to Ukraine–destroy and dismember it. This is KOBK morality/ game theory at work. The cryptocrats at the top, whoever they are, see world domination as their only rational course of action. They have already conquered Europe, USA, and the rest of the West and much of the world. Everything makes better sense when you understand this is their plan and all of their actions flow from it. ABN

Does USA have a super-weapon or are they bluffing?

I have been saying for a long time that our top elite/ comitatus possess a super-weapon because that is the most likely explanation for their reckless foreign (and domestic) policies. What Forbes says below about ‘doomsday weapons’ and ‘absolute supremacy over the planet’ is plausible, in my view, though I do not agree that the elite is afraid they will lose power due to that technology. Who is going to disclose something so complex and how would they do it?

I enjoy Forbes’ work on MH370, but there is no way any of it will force disclosure of anything important. In one of his videos, Forbes shows an image made public by China. The image seems to indicate that China knows what Forbes is saying is right; that that’s what happened to the plane. The question arises, is our comitatus bluffing about their super-weapon? Are they intentionally frightening Russia and China with a bogus story that may cause them to be more restrained? That would be a kind of mind-control, which USA is a master at. I suppose Forbes may be in on the bluff and that’s why he rose to fame so quickly. I do like they guy, though, and hope he is as he presents himself. ABN

Washington Moves On to Plan B

Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine:

The United States has already moved on to Plan B. No, the Biden administration has not issued an official statement on the matter, but the shift has already begun. The Washington Brain-trust has abandoned any hope of winning the war outright (Plan A) and has, thus, adopted a different strategy altogether. (Plan B)

Plan B is a combination of two main elements:

  • A—A Strategy of Denial, which is ‘a defensive approach designed to stop an adversary’ from achieving its goals. In this case, the objective is to prolong the conflict for as long as possible to prevent Russian from achieving a clear victory. That is the top priority.
  • B—To continue to increase and intensify asymmetrical attacks on vital infrastructure and civilian areas in Russia proper in order to inflict as much damage on Russia as possible.

This, in essence, is Plan B. Any concern for the Ukrainian people or the future viability of the Ukrainian state, have not been factored in to Washington’s cynical calculation. What matters is preventing a Russian victory and inflicting as much pain on Russia as possible. Those are the primary objectives. In practical terms, that means that more Ukrainian soldiers will be slaughtered wholesale in order to continue using Ukraine as a launching pad for attacks on Russia. 


This essay by Mike Whitney makes some good points but he misses the real goals of the West. They are: 1) destroy Ukraine. Empty it of its citizens by killing its military-aged men and forcing the rest to flee. 2) Then, destroy the Russian state, dismember it, and seize its assets. Russia is geographically huge with enormous resources, yet its population is a mere 140 million. The ultimate goal is take all of it. The Western cabal/ comitatus is manifestly either reckless or confident. My guess is they are confident because they possess a super-weapon, one stronger and more powerful than nukes or entire armies. It’s possible this is it. Maybe it’s not that but something else. War has always been the underlying reality of civilizations and these wars are our reality. ABN

Debt Slavery and the Carbon Credit Coup | Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin

UPDATE: Major Black Pill. I already am black-pilled and believe all we can do is maybe sometimes achieve anarchic resistance to excessive authoritarianism. Basically, kings & queens are back or never left. A friend explained that Webb and many of the people she speaks with online are anti-statist, against nation states, libertarian, anarchic. I don’t know enough about Webb and her circle to say, nor do I know if my friend is right. But it does seem that something like that is so.

I appreciate Webb and Goodwin’s detailed breakdown and analysis of who is doing what, how and why. It’s definitely worth listening to.

To readers who are royalists or want to return to traditional empires, that’s where we are now. We are inside an empire right now and it is growing, going for world domination. I for one do not see any way we can change the composition of world or regional power elites. Those people have wealth and connections that no mass of people can ever muster. Elections are clearly rigged, like everything else. Going off grid or putting your money in a local bank or gold appear to be futile. I plan to have fun and recognize all of the above proves the First Noble Truth, which is good if that’s what you perceive in all this. ABN

USDA and China CCP lab are creating deadly BIRD FLU viruses as part of $1m collaboration – and YOU are paying for it

Lawmakers are demanding answers after it was revealed the US is sending taxpayer dollars to a Chinese army lab to make bird flu viruses more dangerous to people.

It is part of a $1million collaboration between the USDA and the CCP-run Chinese Academy of Sciences – the institution that oversees the Wuhan lab at the center of the Covid lab-leak theory.

In a scathing letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack last week, the bipartisan group said: ‘This research, funded by American taxpayers, could potentially generate dangerous new lab-created virus strains that threaten our national security and public health.


This looks like mind-control preprogramming, prepping us for the next plandemic. Stuff like this is like another arrow in their quiver. It will be used when and if helpful to the mind-controllers, a branch of the comitatus that controls the West. WW3 is also being preprogrammed, as is economic collapse, cyberwar, aliens, climate disaster, etc. You might think it foolish for them to use yet another plandemic; after all, monkeypox failed. Yes and no. It is also true that absurdity is used to their advantage. Notice how much of our world today is absurd. The more of it we accept at face value, the less able we are to reason clearly about other things. That is a very effective form of mind-control. ABN