The Genetic Arms Race | How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World

This vid is a bit silly but it may be worth watching because vastly improved IVF technology is inevitable. And so are other forms of gene manipulation. Today, there are already many reports of women in China and India using Northern European gametes for IVF pregnancies. Given a choice, people will choose the best genes available for their offspring. The dawning age of ‘digital babies’, which will allow extensive gene selection, will profoundly change our sense of what our lineage, tribe, nation, heritage even is. I believe we can be hopeful about what is coming since new technologies will surely raise the IQs of people across the world. Higher intelligence generally leads to better ethical behavior. The main downside I see is higher intelligence can also result in more intelligent criminals, or worse, groups of more intelligent criminals, or politicians. ABN

UPDATE: Here’s another take on this topic. I do not see the harm in spreading good genes worldwide nor is it possible to stop this technology from spreading and improving. Given the choice, parents will opt for the best for their children. ABN

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