Russia’s final warning to Macron and Cameron

UPDATE: This video is well worth watching. Without saying as much, they detail cabal/comitatus moves at the top where the only rules are KOBK rules—Kill-Or-Be-Killed.

Top leaders in USA have nothing else in mind long-term but world domination. Russian and Chinese leaders both know this full-well and have no choice but to respond accordingly.

While China surely has long-term strategies for world domination itself, it is not today strong enough to pursue them boldly and thus must stay off center stage. Russia, rightly, sees an escalation of Western threats against it and has acted accordingly by threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine if certain lines are crossed.

These events cannot be understood without understanding that all three parties—Russia, China, and USA—are playing by KOBK rules, the only rules possible for them. All three are ruled by tight gangs led by strong leaders.

The gang or comitatus in control of USA is almost entirely secret and thus, a true cryptocracy. We do not know who is in control or where the center even is. When it comes to KOBK conflicts, none of what top leaders do has anything to do with their citizens’ well-being, except to avoid riling them too much.

It is important to understand what KOBK means and why it is a useful term: KOBK describes the forced ‘morality’ of top international combatants who today rule USA & the West, Russia, and China. World history at many stages and places has operated on KOBK rules. KOBK is nothing new but is distinct from all other political philosophizing, let alone moralizing. Kill-Or-Be-Killed situations are stark and morally unambiguous.

Top leaders cannot but fight by KOBK rules and nothing in the world today will change that. New technology or a much smarter global population through digital breeding may change everything but that is not going to happen in the immediate future. Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Taiwan and more are all KOBK flashpoints. Conflicts entailing them must be understood as strategic moves toward global domination or to prevent rivals gaining it. ABN

UPDATE 2: Their whole discussion toward the end of the video on strategic ambiguity and national politics suffers from their not being aware of or not having the terminology to discuss these events in KOBK terms. See the situation for what it is: USA has boldly begun war in Ukraine and boldly expanded war in Israel/Gaza. These are KOBK moves strategically aimed at world domination, probably through controlling the Middle East by neutering Iran and further threatening Russia. ABN

UPDATE 3: The Western comitatus ostensibly led by USA is not being ‘stupid’ or ‘imbecilic’ as Mercouris says. They are doing KOBK with the goal of world domination. That goal entails complete and total subjugation of Russia, ‘killing’ it as it were. Russia absolutely knows this and is responding in kind—‘if you try to kill us we will kill you’. None of this is fundamentally about messy diplomatic wording or what a puppet like Macron says. These are not trial balloons or strategic mistakes. It’s pure KOBK. USA provoked the war and they are not going to back down. Each move brings them closer to subjugating Russia, then China. ABN

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