Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brexit, & COVID

In the first few minutes they both admit they have been late to wake up and also take responsibility for that. I like that, but it also means they’re still babes in the woods if not double-agents seasoning the opposition. Both still have prominent voices and may be sincere but I bet both also have known breaking points, which can and will be manipulated. I have only watched a few minutes and may restate this if I ever finish the whole thing. ABN

Hegemon Orders Europe: Bet on War and Steal Russia’s Money

The Swiss “peace” kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn’t even have to show up.

None of the Big Players did. Or in case they sent their emissaries, there was significant refusal to sign the vacuous final declaration – as in BRICS members Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE and South Africa.

Without BRICS, there’s absolutely nothing the collective West – as in The Hegemon and assorted vassals – can do to alter the proxy war chessboard in Ukraine.

In his carefully calibrated speech to diplomats and the leadership of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Putin delineated an incredibly restrained and strategic approach to solve the Ukraine problem. In the context of the Hegemon’s escalatory green light – actually in practice for several months now – for Kiev to attack deeper into the Russian Federation, Putin’s offer was extremely generous.

That is a direct offer to the Hegemon and the collective West – as the sweaty T-shirt actor in Kiev, apart from illegitimate, is beyond irrelevant.

Predictably, NATO – via that epileptic slab of Norwegian wood – already proclaimed its refusal to negotiate, even as some relatively awake members of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) started discussing the offer, according to Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Moscow sees the Verkhovna Rada as the only legitimate entity in Ukraine – and the only one with which would be possible to reach an agreement.

Russian UN representative Vasily Nebenzya cut to the chase – diplomatically: if the generous proposal is refused, next time conditions for starting negotiations will be “different”. And “far more unfavorable”, according to Duma Defense Committee head Andrei Kartapolov.

As Nebenzya stressed that in case of a refusal the collective West will bear full responsibility for further bloodshed, Kartapolov elaborated on the Big Picture: Russia’s real target is to create a whole new security system for the Eurasian space.

And that, of course, is anathema to the Hegemon’s elites.


Call them what you like—hegemon, globalists, cabal, comitatus—the cryptocrats who thoroughly dominate the West and are known to be its real power are always shrouded in euphemism, personally nameless, historically opaque, collectively hidden behind hate speech conventions, and even more pathetically, laws. Their secrecy is proof the West has already been conquered and is living in debasement. Though the above essay relies on the illogical ‘incompetence’ excuse, it is still a good read. Our hegemons are not ‘incompetent’. They are treating the West like a cheap whore, which all of our public figures and institutions are or have become. ABN

IDF knew of Hamas’s plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack — report

A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas’s plan to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people weeks before the October 7 massacre.

The document, which was compiled in the Gaza Division, outlined Hamas’s intentions and was known to top intelligence officials, according to a report by Kan News.

The document, titled “Detailed End-to-End Raid Training,” was distributed on September 19, 2023, and described in detail the series of exercises conducted by Hamas’s elite units.

These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.

The report by Kan News stated, “Security sources told Kan News that the document was known to the intelligence leadership, at the very least in the Gaza Division.”


IDF knew and so did USA. Beyond obvious it was a MIHOP attack to justify what we are seeing today in Gaza. 10/7 was a bold, violent act that forces people to take sides. I want to say it’s Bronze Age mentality, which it is, but the Silicon Age has been no better. Allowing your own people to be attacked and killed is a KOBK strategy which forces a decisive outcome. KOBK ultimately lies at the heart of human instinct. ABN

Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under pressure

The Stanford Internet Observatory, which published some of the most influential analysis of the spread of false information on social media during elections, has shed most of its staff and may shut down amid political and legal attacks that have cast a pall on efforts to study online misinformation.

Just three staffers remain at the Observatory, and they will either leave or find roles at Stanford’s Cyber Policy Center, which is absorbing what remains of the program, according to eight people familiar with the developments, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.

The Election Integrity Partnership, a prominent consortium run by the Observatory and a University of Washington team to identify viral falsehoods about election procedures and outcomes in real time, has updated its webpage to say its work has concluded.

Two ongoing lawsuits and two congressional inquiries into the Observatory have cost Stanford millions of dollars in legal fees, one of the people told The Washington Post. Students and scholars affiliated with the program say they have been worn down by online attacks and harassment amid the heated political climate for misinformation research, as legislators threaten to cut federal funding to universities studying propaganda.


The demise of this covert propaganda outlet is an example of how public opinion can overrule the cabal. ABN

An example of what provokes moral outrage and my thoughts on that — ABN

The adult stole $8 from the boy. In the comments where I found this video, people are outraged. One example of their ire: What a pathetic piece of fucking shit. Fuck that asshole and hope he rots in a cell. You have to be just absolute fucking scum to steal from a kid. Who can argue with this judgement? I want you to feel it because what I am going to say now is something much worse than that petty theft has been happening in the West for many decades.

We have been suffering a secret war against children; a war that disables our most promising children to keep them from gaining the leadership roles they would have gained had they not been disabled.

The disabling happens by poison, psychosurgery, sensory damage, maiming. Softer versions are educational misdirection, psychological abuse, stalking, reputation destruction and so on. There is no action too low for the parasites who did this and are still doing it today.

This form of warfare is almost invisible to most people because the victims, mostly boys and young men, are attacked secretly and their wounds typically do not show. For example, a mildly intelligent goon can be trained to drug a victim and give them a lobotomy in very short time frame.

Damage to the ears, energy weapons to the brain, poison to the nervous system–pay close attention to anyone who goes off the deep end. What looks like a mental breakdown or drug abuse may have had its roots in a very real physical attack that has caused serious harm, an attack that may have happened to an eight year old, a teenager, a young adult.

This is how our civilization has been taken over. It’s not been the only tactic, but it is the most important enemy tactic that is usually left out of analyses of the downfall of the West.

Please spend some serious time thinking about what I have said. Consider the rewards of conquering the West — the vast wealth and power, leading ultimately to world domination.

No one would be able to conquer the West through conventional warfare. But a clever group who could train and direct a small army of assassins and deploy them over several generations could conquer the West.

Indeed, they already have. Who does not wonder who is actually in control of the Biden administration? ANSWER: Our conquerors are in control of the Biden administration. The faces we see are their generals, their public fighters, and our toadies. The real power is held by the cryptocrats who control them.

Please give this some real thought. Once you see it, it will be obvious what has happened. Our only hope of surviving as a civilization is for a large number of us to understand our real plight. We will not be saved by a return to Christian values or renewed respect for the American Constitution. We have already been all but defeated by a multigenerational war of infiltration and clandestine interpersonal violence as described.

All the other stuff you already know about how our institutions, economies, and governments have been taken over is true. But so is the violence. It was and is real. By smiting our children they defeated the West. ABN

In shocking litmus test, FBI security inquiry tried to unmask employee’s Trump support, memos show

FBI officials conducting a top-secret security clearance review for a longtime employee asked witnesses whether that employee was known to support former President Donald Trump, if he had expressed concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine or had attended a Second Amendment rally, according to internal memos that prompted a complaint to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog alleging political bias inside the bureau.

The employee’s security clearance was revoked months after the interviews, which confirmed his support for Trump and gun rights and his concerns about the COVID vaccine, according to the documents obtained by Just the News.

The memos show that agents for the FBI’s Security Division asked at least three witnesses in spring 2022 whether the employee, whose name and job title was redacted from the memos, had been known to “vocalize support for President Trump” or “vocalize objections to Covid-19 vaccination.” Agents ascertained from at least one witness that the worker, in fact, had declined to get the coronavirus inoculation.


Nothing shocking at all about this. This is not about the employee’s politics but about weeding out independent thinkers. They purged the military of warriors based on vax refusal alone. Similar vax purges happened in schools across USA and the West. Weed out strong, independent young minds with moral standards and there is no one left to stop you from total control of society and its institutions. This is a multigenerational war that has been ongoing for many generations and became much hotter after WW2. It won’t end easily or without widespread public understanding that this war is the root cause of the downfall of USA and the West. Promote the weak and incompetent. Disable the strong and competent. This has been their strategy for over 80 years. ABN

Even worse, he’s a puppet being moved by cryptocrats in the shadows behind him. I wonder what will happen if they let Trump win. Best case is our ruling elite has two major branches, both vying for control of USA, but only the branch behind Biden is gunning for world domination. Still best case, the branch Trump represents wants a multipolar world that emphasizes individual freedom, fair trade, no wars, and no more f***king mind-control from the cryptocrats. ABN

Origin of the modern horse traced to lineage that emerged 4,200 years ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The horse transformed human history – and now scientists have a clearer idea of when humans began to transform the horse.

Around 4,200 years ago, one particular lineage of horse quickly became dominant across Eurasia, suggesting that’s when humans started to spread domesticated horses around the world, according to research published Thursday in the journal Nature.

There was something special about this horse: It had a genetic mutation that changed the shape of its back, likely making it easier to ride.

“In the past, you had many different lineages of horses,” said Pablo Librado, an evolutionary biologist at the Spanish National Research Council in Barcelona and co-author of the new study. That genetic diversity was evident in ancient DNA samples the researchers analyzed from archaeological sites across Eurasia dating back to 50,000 years ago.


This is the same time chariots were invented. ABN

The Fourth Branch of government

click image for larger

This is a big part of who controls USA. All willing to lie to stop Trump who they feared would disrupt their plans. This lie alone makes everything coming out of the Biden administration, indeed the US government itself, not believable. And that is before you factor in covid lies, vax lies, WMD lies, 9/11 lies, Ukraine lies, election fraud lies, and so on and on. I doubt the authoritarian, mind-controlling government we have now can be defeated but we probably can influence them in somewhat significant ways sometimes. The problem there is we need a lot of people to understand what is going on. ABN

Col Macgregor analysis of Western failure in Ukraine and beyond

Strong words from Macgregor. His analysis is reasonable but it’s based on the ‘incompetence’ of the Western elite, the same elite who managed to seize control of the entire West. So, are they really incompetent? Or do they have a plan and possibly a superweapon to ensure success of that plan? Notice this same elite allowed the 10/07 attack in Israel to happen and then escalated into a regional war (still ongoing) based on that, something Macgregor never mentions or fears to mention. This same elite is still driving ahead with NATO expansion and use of European troops in Ukraine as well as NATO weapons inside Russia. This same elite is playing with fire in China. It appears this elite wants WW3 because they believe or know they will prevail. How many billions will be killed is not something they care about. It’s part of the plan. This is KOBK, a morality ordinary people do not understand, which is why we are always baffled by their behavior. ABN

Rep Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson Every GOP Member of Congress Has an ‘AIPAC Babysitter’

“Everybody but me has an AIPAC person — like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC,” Massie said. “They’re probably a constituent from your district but they’re firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

“Every member has something like this?” Tucker Carlson asked.

“Every Repub–, I don’t know how it works on the Democrat side, but that’s how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they’ve got your cell number and you have conversations with them.”

“That’s crazy,” Carlson responded.

“So, I’ve had four members of Congress say, ‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC person’ — that’s literally what we call them, ‘my AIPAC guy,'” Massie said, laughing. “‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC guy and see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.'”

“Why have I never heard this before?” Carlson said.

“It doesn’t benefit anybody,” Massie said, “why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who is representing a foreign country, it doesn’t benefit the congressmen for people to know that so they’re not going to tell you that.”


Infiltration, mind-control, explains why we are governed so badly. Reps give tax $$ to Israel which pays for this. We pay to house illegals and we pay to have government bought. This is not the only scam but this is a stranglehold on USA. ABN

At this stage, European corporations have bought more land in Western Ukraine than the Russians have taken on the East side, while Ukrainians find themselves in a debt trap

The planned annihilation of Ukraine (note the 2021 changed land sale law and the 2014 color revolution) foreshadows the planned annihilation of Europe. ABN

full video: